יצרן המוצר: gigacer
לאתר היצרןConcept 1 is to conceive space with unity of form and style, using technical solutions that maintain aesthetic continuity through the environments and their multiplicity of uses, indoors, outdoors, on walls and furniture, in short: all in one. A unique ceramic range designed for every type of application, with a variety of colours and surfaces that can always be combined in an exclusive and personal way. A resistant, eclectic porcelain stoneware in natural and homogeneous shades, with 5 colours, 5 different surfaces and 3 thicknesses.
גימורי הסדרה:
Mat, Levigato, Texture Mat, Texture Levigato, Bocciardato R10-R11
מידות הסדרה:
120x250 cm, 60x250 cm, 120x120 cm, 60x120 cm, 60x60 cm, 30x60 cm, 3x3 cm, 9x18 cm, 9x9 cm, 9x30 cm, 18x16 cm, 7.5x60 cm, 84x49 cm
התעניינתי ב- Concept 1